(고객센터) 연락처
  • 연락처: 장천
  • 휴대폰:86-13400211588
  • 전화:86-311-88708888
  • 팩스::86-311-88709840
  • 이메일:86234885@163.com
  • Q Q:1097702829
  • 우편 번호:050502
  • 주소 :하북성 석가장시 영수진동호사공업원88호


코어 도움말:전기석판



1. High pure tourmaline is the bijou that can be made into jewelry such as necklace bracelet and so on.
2. It can be used in deodorizing wall paper, floorboard, ceiling board furniture inner wall coasting material and concrete.
3. Packing material with the function of antibacterial and fresh keeping.
4. The healthy filling of cigarette filter tip.
5. Purification materials for water and air.
6. Additive of toothpaste and cosmetic
7. Antibacterial coating and is use in electronic equipment and house hold electric.
8. Made composite ceramic with the function of antibacterial sterilization and deodorization.

Copyright © 2010-2011 영수진백도전기석공장 판권 소유
연락처:장천 휴대폰:86-13400211588 전화:86-311-88708888 팩스:86-311-88709840
이메일:86234885@163.com QQ:1097702829
우편 번호:050502 주소:하북성 석가장시 영수진동호사공업원88호
기술 지원:석가장휘황원상무유한공사